
Slip Rings Using Machining Parts

2021-09-03 11:11 JINPAT Electronics

Generally, slip rings used in most mechanical and electrical fields are not so complex   except that those used in some specific way are equipped with thousands of parts. In addition to bearings, brush wires (carbon brushes) and wires, the number of other parts of slip ring is relatively small. There are also many processing methods for these parts, such as injection molded parts, stamping parts, pressing (castings) and machining parts, while slip ring models of injection molded parts are the most common type. JINPAT, a leading slip ring manufacturer, adopts a large number f injection molded internal and external parts in the cap hollow shaft series standard slip ring, which is the largest annual output and sales volume of JINPAT.

The stamping parts are basically the shell of the slip ring. Some standard micro slip ring and ultra micro slip ring of JINPAT use the stamping parts of the stainless steel shell, which significantly improves the impact resistance. The same is true for using die-castings as the shell of the slip rings. Most construction machinery slip rings developed by JINPAT Electronics use die-castings shell due to the harsh working condition.

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The slip rings that use machining parts as stator and rotor parts on a large scale are gas-liquid slip rings, optical fiber slip rings, highfrequency slip rings and some customized slip rings. Among them, JINPATs standard model of gasliquid slip ring series, whose the main components are made from aluminum alloy, and the customized version mostly adopts steel. Therefore, generally the weight of JINPAT customized gasliquid slip ring is much larger than that of standard model. And as result, the former can withstand much greater gas-liquid pressure than the latter.

When it comes to optical fiber slip ring and highfrequency slip ring, no matter standard products or customized products, the main components of the stator and rotor of these two slip rings are made from stainless steel. However, due to different transmission media, the internal structures of them are slightly different. For example, the highfrequency slip ring usually does not exceed 100 rpm, while the speed of the optical fiber slip ring may reach 20000 rpm. Therefore, the machining requirements are various. And correspondingly, due to the higher speed, the machining requirements for optical fiber slip ring are also higher.